Das HiFi- und HighEnd-Webzine sixmoons hat sich jetzt nach einem schon sehr positiven Test des ARK MX+ DAC der neuesten Kreation der AURALiC Ingenieure angenommen. Dieses Mal steht der Kopfhörerverstärker Taurus im Mittelpunkt der gewohnt umfangreichen Review vom sixmoons Gründer und Inhaber Srajan Ebaen.
„… Final words. AURALiC’s Taurus follows the excitement of their ARK MX+ converter. As a high-power headphone amp it drives HifiMan’s toughest HE6 to perfection. It’ll thus power any commercial headphone on the market. In the general sonic vein of Burson Audio’s HA160 with resolution the next level up plus greater top-end brilliance and an overall higher degree of sophistication, the Taurus is a top-flight headfi/preamp whose strategic dry warmth is sourced from high class A transistor bias. It stays clear of valve darkness and moisturization and becomes an iron first in a velvet glove for cans and amplifier input stages alike. Its noise floor is exceptionally low, and its 4.5wpc/32Ω power verybutch for the breed. Once again team AURALiC demonstrates a high level of circuit design know-how. Hats off!“
(Quelle: www.sixmoons.com/audioreviews/auralic2/1.html)